Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Who are We?

I was thinking that it's probably important for us to decide how to describe our community, i.e. who are we? To see if we're on the same page and so we can tell other people who we are.

Here's what I was thinking of as a discription. Something like, "a family of friends; believers who want to try to live out the Jesus' way of Love together."

What do y'all think?

On another subject, something has died in the area just outside above our front door and it definitely smells like death.




Weston said...

Seems like a good description to me. And poor mouse.

Janet said...

Could we make it more specific?

Janet said...

Also, I can't think about Love with that mouse staring at me. Ew.

Janet said...

Hmm....I've been mulling over this all day....A group of people who are investing our lifestyles in bringing hope and healing to our own lives, to each other and to our neighbors through intentionally living out the Love of Jesus. ???

Janet said...

I realize that is too wordy/pretentious. but i thought something with hope would be good. i dunno. can someone please comment besides me!!

Dumpster Dan said...

i like yours janet

Dumpster Dan said...

maybe "investing our lifestyles" is too wordy