Saturday, November 29, 2008

#78 - homemade jokes!!!

- what's the scariest holiday in the 'hood?
+ holla!-ween.*

- why did the lightbulbs not let the new bulb into their group?
+ because they were elightist. **

- what do you call two gay melons who are in love?
+ can't-elope!! ***

- why did the orphan survive the titanic?
+ because it was used to going through hardship. ****

- why did the guy stay lost forever when the map told him to go East on Red?
+ because his name was Weston Green.*****


* this one may need to retire for the year... sorry.
** i heard the new friends-of-the-earth bulb group is the hardest to get into. You win some you lose some, bulbette.
*** (not in Texas, little melons..)
**** courtesy of, well, or stealing from, the Honorable John Phelps I
***** think about your child's future before you write it down...
****** Weston and Dan and John! and anyone else!, ya'll should add yours on to here...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Passive Aggressive Notes

Forever and a day ago ... Chad left a lovely little note above the kitchen sink ... 

Chad, this is for you....


Thursday, November 6, 2008

...things that happen … in Sims Street

#1: move into a house with people you hardly (or don’t) know

 #8: discover the hot water runs to the toilet instead of the shower

 #16: adopt taco cabana cat

#17: Set chickens on the dining room table to see if they would fight


#19: tempt said cabana cat into attacking your hand while you wave it to get his attention from behind the counch

#20: save taco cabana cat from attempts on its life by Via and Rilke

#21: melted two painting buckets into lava liquid 

#23: give each other "jail cell" nicknames....meth beth?? 

#27: put plastic watches on cats

 #34: tie-dye roommate’s underwear

#35: watch as police chase fleeing man in front of the house

 #45: buy a baby chicken for each member of the house

#46: use hat boxes as roosting spots for chickens

#62- make impersonations from the street. 

#65: alphabetize spice rack

#66: learn the alphabet

 #93: Burn piƱata heads in the grill

written by sims family :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

#62- make impersonations from the street.
#17 adopt taco cabana cat
#19 tempt said cabana cat into attacking your hand while you wave it to get his attention from behind the counch
#20 save taco cabana cat from attempts on its life by Via and Rilke