Thursday, April 2, 2009

Us Hosting Ray McGovern coming to Bryan

I emailed back and forth with Beverly a little bit. Some of you got the email she sent about Ray McGovern possibly being able to come hang out with us and talk about advocacy for peace and truth and justice and fun stuff like that.

I told her it would be cool if he came over on Friday April 17th. She said it was cool if it was just a low-key thing. I was thinking we could invite people to come over for dinner and conversation with Ray at 6:30.

This isn't a for sure thing, Beverly is going to put us in contact with him, but it looks like it could happen and be cool. I was thinking of inviting some anti-war pro-peace and justice folks over to join in the fun. Earth Day is the next day, by the way.

Here's what Bev sent me about Mr. McGovern. Also you can YouTube him and that's cool.

Bio on Ray McGovern

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC. He writes and speaks for the arm of Tell the Word called “Speaking Truth to Power.”

Ray’s earlier career as a CIA analyst spanned 27 years—from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. The ethos of intelligence analysis in those days was reflected in the scripture passage chiseled into the marble entrance to CIA headquarters—“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Ray’s activities are now directed largely at closing the wide gap that has opened up over the past eight years between that ideal and current reality in the US intelligence community.

In January 2003, after it had become clear that intelligence analysis was being corrupted by political pressure to “justify” an unprovoked attack on Iraq, a handful of intelligence community alumni, including Ray, created Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. VIPS now includes 67 former professionals from CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Army Intelligence, the FBI, the National Security Agency, and other US intelligence agencies, plus the intelligence agencies of three “coalition” Allies, including Katharine Gun (UK), Frank Grevil (Denmark), and Andrew Wilkie (Australia).

VIPS’ first paper, a Memorandum for the President sent on February 5, 2003, offered a same-day critique of Secretary of State Colin Powell’s address to the UN. In the memorandum VIPS warned that intelligence analysts were “increasingly distressed at the politicization of intelligence” and “were finding it hard to make themselves heard above the drumbeat for war.” The memo urged the president to “widen the discussion beyond...the circle of those advisers clearly bent on a war for which we see no compelling reason and from which we believe the unintended consequences are likely to be catastrophic.”

The thrust of VIPS’ next two pre-war memoranda can be gleaned from their titles: “Cooking Intelligence for War” and “Forgery, Hyperbole, Half-Truth: A Problem.”

“Fixing” the Intelligence For War

Documentary evidence dating back to eight months before the attack on Iraq showing that the U.S. and U.K. had doctored intelligence in order to “justify” it appeared on May 1, 2005, when the London’s Sunday Times published the official minutes of a July 23, 2002 meeting at 10 Downing Street. Those minutes, written that same day by a participant, contained the report by the chief of British intelligence, just back from talks with CIA director George Tenet in Washington, that “intelligence and facts were being fixed” around President Bush’s decision for war. VIPS was first off the blocks in providing commentary on this unique documentary evidence, publishing its analysis on May 4—weeks before the corporate press was forced to take note:

The flurry of attention engendered in alternative media eventually embarrassed the corporate media into reporting this smoking gun. The corporate media reports were not only late but anemic, carefully steering away from the import of the Downing Street Minutes, which provided documentary proof of what we had long suspected; i.e., that President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair had deliberately lied the “coalition” into an unnecessary war. Since then, report after report have confirmed that the president was a witting participant in the conspiracy to use the ogre of “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq to justify launching the first resource war of the 21st Century—which, as former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has now conceded, was “largely about oil.” Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz also pointed out that “Iraq swims on a sea of oil,” in referring to the real reason for the attack on Iraq. Both glossed over the fact that a large part of the motivation was also the misguided notion that attacking Iraq would make the Middle East safer for Israel.

Former White House Spokesman Scott McClellan, in his book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception, provided a unique, first-hand account of how his former boss and senior aides abandoned “candor and honesty” to wage a “political propaganda campaign” that led the nation into an “unnecessary war.” If further proof were necessary, American author Ron Suskind reported last year that the head of Iraqi intelligence had been “turned” and told his British case officer in January 2003 precisely what then-Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri had told the CIA in the summer of 2002; i. e., that Saddam Hussein had no WMD. On September 18, 2002, former CIA director George Tenet personally briefed then-president George W. Bush on Sabri’s information regarding the absence of WMD in Iraq.

Fourteen additional VIPS papers were produced after the war began in Iraq; a list of titles is appended. The texts of all 17 issuances can be found at (PDF versions available on request.)

In addition to co-authoring most of VIPS memoranda, Ray has published many articles and op-eds. These have appeared in newspapers around the country and in Europe— The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, The Miami Herald, The International Herald Tribune, the Suddeutsche Zeitung, and the Berliner Tagesspiegel, for example). Ray and his VIPS colleagues have also appeared in several video documentaries—notably, Robert Greenwald’s “Uncovered: The War on Iraq” and “Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror” (produced by John Pilger). Cinema Libre Studio has produced a full-length documentary on DVD of Ray discussing US intelligence (Volume 3 in its “Speaking Freely” series of conversations with opinion leaders on world issues: (

Ray’s TV, radio interviews and other performances, many of them aired in domestic and foreign media, include:

    --Keynote Address Veterans for Peace conference

    Seattle, WA, March 8, 2009


    -- Oxford Forum debate: January 22, 2009, “Resolved: George W. Bush Has Made the World a Safer Place” (speaking in opposition)

-- “Trial by Theater: Illegal War.” A 20-minute Culture Project video of Ray being deposed by former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega:, November 19, 2007

    -- CNN (et al.): Rumsfeld-McGovern Live Exchange in Atlanta, May 4, 2006 (available on Youtube)

    -- Major TV-radio networks: replay and commentary re Rumsfeld-McGovern exchange (including imaginative spoof by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show), May 4-8, 2006 (many of them still available on Youtube)

    -- Washington Journal (C-SPAN), November 14, 2005

-- Testimony on Downing Street Memos before congressional briefing convened by Congressman John Conyers, then-ranking minority member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, June 16, 2005. The text of Ray’s prepared remarks can be found at

    -- News Hour with Jim Lehrer, June 16, 2005 and August 10, 2004

    -- Charlie Rose Show (debate with former CIA director James Woolsey), August 20, 2004

    --“Uncovered: The War in Iraq:” documentary film by Robert Greenwald – October 2003

    --Panorama (German TV—Erstes Programm, on the coming war), March 6, 2003

Many of Ray’s more recent articles have been posted first on, and often on,, and, among other websites, as well.

As mentioned above, on May 4, 2006 in Atlanta, at a Q&A session following a speech by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Ray took advantage of the opportunity to quote him back to himself on his earlier claims of ties between Iraq and al-Qaeda and on weapons of mass destruction. Without immediate access to the kind of obfuscation available in “dodgy dossiers,” Rumsfeld was blatantly untruthful once again—actually twice again. CNN and MSNBC did some fact checking and exposed the fresh lies that evening. Other “mainstream media” finessed them, defending Rumsfeld against “heckling” by an “alleged” former analyst of the CIA. Youtube has posted the four-minute debate with Rumsfeld and various commentaries, (Keith Olbermann’s on evening of May 4, 2006, and Jon Stewart’s spoof on Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) “journalists” quizzing Ray a few days later are the best.)

Ray’s responsibilities at CIA included chairing a number of National Intelligence Estimates under presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter, and preparing the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) under presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. These, the two most authoritative kinds of intelligence reporting, have been alluded to in examining the performance of intelligence prior to the war in Iraq—and also the still unresolved issue concerning to what degree the president was warned in advance about the attacks of September 11, 2001 and how he reacted—or didn’t. (Both issues remain unresolved, because both parties cringed from allowing them to be investigated properly; a reality that the 9/11 Commission chair and co-chair have now explicitly admitted in saying the commission was doomed from the outset to fail.) The evidence is very strong that the president was adequately warned and did nothing; and that subsequently he successfully enlisted the help of former CIA director George Tenet in covering that up—to the point where Tenet lied under oath before the 9/11 Commission.) This is all on the public record, but ignored in the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM).

During the mid-eighties, Ray was one of the senior analysts conducting early morning briefings of the PDB one-on-one with the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. At his retirement ceremony Ray received the Intelligence Commendation Medallion and a letter of gratitude from then-President George H. W. Bush wishing Ray well in his transition to non-profit work. On March 2, 2006, he returned the medallion in a symbolic effort to dissociate himself from CIA participation in torture. (See

A chapter by Ray, “A Compromised Central Intelligence Agency: What Can Be Done?” can be found in Patriotism, Democracy, and Common Sense: Restoring America’s Promise at Home and Abroad, Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. In the chapter, Ray draws on his experience serving under nine directors of central intelligence to discuss in some detail the qualities needed in an intelligence director, and improvements that could be made immediately to enhance intelligence analysis and protect it from politicization. One of the recommended improvements, re-establishing the discipline of media analysis, was partially implemented in late 2005.

Ray also wrote a chapter, “Sham Dunk: Cooking Intelligence for the President,” for the book Neo-CONNED Again!, published in September 2005. The text of Ray’s chapter can be found at (click on “PDF VERSION” in blue type at the top of first page). There (pp. 3-5) is discussed the remarkable role of a neo-conservative dream-come-true—the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans headed by Undersecretary Douglas Feith. As part of the Bush administration’s promotion for war on Iraq, Feith oversaw an effort to manufacture and market bogus information masquerading as intelligence on meaningful ties between Iraq and al-Qaeda. After an exhaustive search, the intelligence community had determined there were no such ties. But this did not prevent the Feith-based “intelligence” from being stove-piped directly to Vice President Dick Cheney, the president, the Congress, et al. After a protracted investigation, the Pentagon Inspector General determined in early 2007 that Feith’s activities were “inappropriate.”

Ray is fluent in Russian, German, and Spanish. He earned a B.A., summa cum laude, from Fordham College and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Designated a “Distinguished Military Graduate,” he was commissioned in the U.S. Army and served two years as an infantry/intelligence officer. He holds an M.A. in Russian Studies from Fordham University, a certificate in Theological Studies from Georgetown, and is a graduate of the Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program. A native of the New York City, Ray has been married to Rita Kennedy, also of New York City, for 47 years; they have five children and eight grandchildren.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where we're at

I wanted to write something here about us, what we are and what we're doing.
It's funny how anything can become normal if you do it for a few months, and it's fun to remember how abnormal what we're doing is. So here goes. Y'all add stuff I forget.

We are an intentional Christian Service House Love Community
We live close to poverty in Bryan, because we wanted to serve the poor by joining the poor.
We live together because we think it helps us to experience and share God's love.
As a community we try to love each other, forgive each other, share with each other, and have fun together. We try to serve together.
We serve each other by cooking, washing dishes, sharing food, sharing time, paying rent, paying utilities, feeding the chickens, collecting eggs, cleaning the house, making each other chocolate milk (mostly Melanie does this).
We try to be open and honest and sincere with each other. Sometimes we fail, but we try to keep loving each other.
We are on each others' sides as advocates in the world. We try to want the best for each other.

We want to serve Jesus by serving those in need and those who are looked down upon. One way we do this is hospitality. We have a guest bedroom with the goal of giving a temporary home to the homeless. We try to assist our guests in whatever they need, whether it's finding a job, having food to eat, finding a more permanent place to live, or whatever else comes up. This is one of the hardest things we do. It can be discouraging, awkward, and annoying, but it can also be beautiful.
We take an active part in potluck meals that provide food and bring people together in community. These meals are an avenue for sharing the wealth and loving each other.
We want to honor the immigrants in our midst, especially since they are discriminated against and oppressed. To do this, we deliver breakfast tacos along with orange juice and coffee every Friday morning to immigrant workers as they wait on street corners in hope of getting work.

We have started gathering on Friday nights to pray and contemplate God. We take communion together during this time. This is one of the most looked forward to times of the week.

We have nine chickens. They give us eggs to eat, along with endless hours of fun and chicken therapy. We do some gardening for food as well.

Our house community as it is now will likely last until August, when the lease on our house is up and many of the community members will go in different directions. Whether any semblance of what we have right now will continue in Bryan is entirely up to God. And that's just fine :-)

Friday, March 20, 2009

tolstoy pwns at chess

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

this might be something cool we can help with

Hey Guys,

I am sending this out to just a few people to let y'all know about an opportunity to help. I know each of y'all are involved with a Bible study or some kind of student group, so this maybe something y'all could help with as a group.

I volunteer with His Grace, a foundation that helps patients and their families on the bone marrow transplant unit at Texas Children's. Over the winter break the Lord gave me the idea of having a benefit concert to help raise money. I never thought it would happen - but through a miracle it has!

On Thursday April 16 (I know it is really close!) there will be a benefit concert for HGF at Life Church in Bryan. Gatlin Elms and Robbie Seay will be playing at the concert.

Ok, now is when I need help. We do not have long at all until this thing happens and I want a full house, I think this can happen if we all work together and advertise at out different churches and groups we are apart of.
I realize this is a busy time for everyone, but please let me know if you could spend a few hours to help, or have ideas. And if nothing else PLEASE COME and bring a friend. It should be a good evening, and it is helping a wonderful cause. Please visit their web page to find out more about HGF:

Ways you can help:
*Creating a logo
*Creating a web page (or blog - I don't know the difference, but I think one is free)
Work at an on-campus bake sale
Set up/Take down

*These may be taken care, but really whoever can do it the fastest and it looks the best is the one I'm using
Source: blog.hisgracefoundat...
His Grace Foundation (HGF) is a volunteer organization providing personalized, relationship-based support for families with a child having to undergo a bone marrow transplant due to a form of cancer, aplastic anemia, SKIDS, or a rare degenerative brain disease.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

this is one of my favorite youtube videos of all time. i love everything about this.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Unusual Churches

Found this site dedicated to taking pictures of unusual churches. 
Pretty cool photos. Just thought I'd share

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Death Row Penpals

This is how you go about getting a penpal on death row

First go to this site:
pick out somebody you want to write to. Each person has a little blurb written by them when you click on the name

Then go to this site:
Look up the person to see if they're still on death row. The lamp of hope site is not well updated, so they might have gotten off death row or been executed. Also I'm sure that the Lamp of Hope site is not exhaustive so if you find somebody listed on this site that you want to write, feel free.

Then write them a letter

Then put it in an envelope with their address listed as:
Their Name and #
Polunsky Unit
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston, Texas 77351

Then put a stamp on it and stick it in the mailbox

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Birth on the Kiniry Ranch

So these babies were born like 30 minutes before I took this picture. A baby boy and a baby girl. So cute! So y'all are probably going to want to plan the Kiniry Ranch Official House Retreat as soon as possible before they get much bigger.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Having a "worship service" at the park

So about this idea of having a worshipful community gathering at the park that is in addition to the potlucks. Let's share ideas for it on this blog if y'all want.

Here's what I was thinking: We wouldn't want it to suck. How can we make that not happen?

We could have an offering box, where people could give money, clothes, toiletries, sleeping bags, cigarettes, food or whatever they'd like to share. Then somebody could distribute it to people who need it. Like people who need help paying the bills in their house could get some of the money, as well as people who are just broke.

Communion with real wine, and Blue Baker bread. Or malt liquor if we really want people to come.

Tyler hates music, so no music. Unless it's wildly original. Or we could have music just to make Tyler mad.

And what about the folks who just speak spanish? Could we make it bilingual?

We could have people bring a teaching, but if somebody talks longer than 5 minutes I'll probably want to kill myself. I can imagine that we'll have to do something to keep people from thinking "It must be such a pleasure for people to hear me blather on for hours in spiritual jargon so I'll just keep going!" and I'd be in the back trying to drink poison. But it would be cool, as long as we can guarantee that every teaching would be mind-bendingly simple and beautiful. Just kidding, but that would be nice. Maybe if John gives the teaching every time.

Also, we could set up a confession booth in the bathrooms at the park, where the confessor sits on the commode and the confessee sits on the sink. What do y'all think?

In addition, are we going to pray to Mary?

JK LOL but seriously are we?

Let's get together with Lenni and Linda and E and Leon and Lauren and other potluck people and everyone else who would be interested and talk about it.

I love the idea of a church where the offering only goes to people who need it, a church where there's no overhead.

What do y'all think?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hey guys, 
Dale's funeral is on Saturday at 3 p.m. in Caldwell. 
Does anyone want to go? 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Poem about Dale Ellis:

a crow flew here one fall day.
crapping on things.
cocked his head
this way and that.

and at the seeds i threw,
almost grateful.
cocked his head
this way and that.
maybe to see
if i watched it
like some watch

i didn't.

when i saw
its carcass on the sidewalk,
i turned my head
this way and that.
almost broken-hearted.

I turned, leaving
inevitable scavengers
to collect.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sorry if i am over-posting.

This is really good though.

this is another community that has chickens..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

this was really helpful for me with the situation with the stuff going on.

"...but where sin has spread, grace is there to cut it down and defeat it. No matter how much sin crept in, there was always more grace. In the same way that sin has reigned in the sphere of death, now grace reigns through God's restorative justice, eclipsing death and leading to eternal life through Jesus, the Liberating King, our Lord." - Romans, chapter 5, verse 20, The Voice

Also, i (and some dan and i) had photoshopping fun time. Sorry/you're welcome.. :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

a quote from wikipedia, mostly to prove cassie wrong :D

"Roosters are not required, as hens still lay eggs, but these eggs are not fertilized by the rooster therefore they will not hatch."
- (under the "chickens as pets" heading)

On how to make chicken nests, i thought it was informative but also awesome.