Monday, September 8, 2008

Long time, no post.

Our house meetings have been oh-so-productive. I don't know about you guys, but most of the decisions we make have been going in one ear and out the other. 
We've had some dutiful secretaries scribble through the meetings, would this be a good place to post some of the things we've decided? 
I'm not sure how many friendly house-mates check this thing?


bev said...

hey guys! this is bev (a friend of john and janet and dan and melanie). i found your blog through janet's blog.

so, i don't know how many of you are familiar with sojourners. and how many are familiar with shane claiborne. but there's a really interesting conversation going on on a lot of their blog posts recently about new monastics, intential living in different socio-economic neighborhoods, etc. claiborne has contribued as well as a lot of other folks from diverse backgrounds and experiences with the "new mosastics." and they've been discussing a lot of the good and bad and hard and hopeful stuff of monastic/community living.

i think about you guys every once in a while when i'm skimming the posts, so i just thought i'd share!

much peace to you and your new home together!

here's the link:

(fyi - you have have to shovel through some blog posts to find where the conversation started (a blog posting by claiborne, i believe)).

Janet said...

Thanks Bev. What a great recommendation. After some searching, i found it here:

Cassie said...

Janet! can i have access to this site :)