Monday, July 14, 2008

Some wonderful people from Lifechurch have offered to help us out with the house. I don't know about you guys, but this is a huge, huge relief for me. Look how good God has been to us! We have already gathered wonderful people who are willing to sacrifice their own space to live together, a great house with a nice landlord in a perfect area and now even help making the house liveable. I'll let you know when they're going to come out so we can be sure to be there to help them.

I'm off work this morning, so I thought I would take advantage of this opportunity to actually post something honest on this site, and invite you to do the same. I've experienced and am still experiencing a fair amount of anxiety about living together next year. I'm scared that we won't get along, that it will be too cramped, that the top floor will fall off the house, that I won't be able to handle being around people so much, that I won't get to spend the time I want to with John, etc. It's funny because a few months ago, I was so excited and so ready to do this, I could barely stand living in our apartment any longer. And living with you was one of the main reasons John and I decided not to skip town as we had planned to this fall. So, maybe it's just cold feet.

The other night it occurred to me as I was trying to fall asleep that living in this house is like a reward. I don't know what I've done to deserve this, but somehow I've been given the chance to dramatically and profoundly expand my understanding of what it means to love people and to think of others as better than myself. And even more so, I might actually be able to think less about my own needs and understand slightly more of how Jesus feels about me. I am normally very self-focused and self-indulgent, so this is a big deal for me, although some of you probably already feel like this is happening in your normal life.

Enough about me--What about you? What are some of the things you're concerned about or excited about this year? Thoughts? Revelations? Confessions? Please post them. It will make me feel less vulnerable. :)

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