Someone else should probably write about what we did yesterday, not me. Suffice it to say, it was amazing, an incredible amount of work and our hearts were deeply warmed by the caring (and skilled) Lifechurch friends.
But, I'll leave that story for somebody else to post. Instead, I'm going to write about what we did today.
Today (Sunday) we threw one of these out of a truck:

Cute, isn't it? Yes, this bad boy probably weighs around 100 lbs--something which wikipedia thinks makes it "portable."
Portable, my ass.
We borrowed a saw like this from someone who goes to Lifechurch for the workday yesterday. It was too late to take it back to the church by the time we finished last night. So, with great effort, we loaded it into John's truck and drove to a friend's house to store it in their backyard overnight.
This morning, sore and tired, John and I woke up early to bring the saw back to Lifechurch. Now, when I say tired, we are really, really tired.
So, we groggily load it in and I climb into the back to hold it down.
We pull slowly (read: groggily) out of the driveway and into the street. But at the very first turn, as the truck swerves, the saw shakes to the right, then to the left and then flies violently out of the truck bed and crashes in a huge heap on the road.
I was using my legs and arms (all 4) to hold this table in place. And as I felt it slip from my fingers I shouted an obscenity that expressed very deeply how we would be feeling for the next 6 hours or so.
Long story short: We said we were sorry, cried and carried the broken pieces of the saw into church during the middle of the service this morning.
Lesson learned? None. There were absolutely no life lessons to be learned from this experience. Except that the people at Lifechurch are really, really nice. But I think we already knew that.
That's funny you guys found a picture of that. SUCK, suck suck. Thanks for giving so much of your lives to make this happen, Phelps. I hope you don't feel alone in this...
correction: 200 lbs, says John.
It's okay guys, crap happens sometimes. I'm glad that guy was so forgiving, but next time get some straps!
Also, do y'all need anything at the moment? I can send a little bit of cash your way if you do.
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