Monday, July 14, 2008

hello, it's kimberly. I thought it would be a nice gesture to let everyone know that yes, I am still alive. I'm in Illinois living with a community on a farm until late August or early September, I'm not sure when yet.

I'm getting cold feet too, Janet. Last week I was seriously thinking about backing out of the Bryan community and leaving Texas asap (it's still a big temptation), but I think I will try to resist that urge at least for now. I'm concerned about how to work out the structure of living together since not everyone is in town. Y'all are probably figuring things out on your own, but I would like to know what people are talking about. Are you meeting regularly to discuss things or just letting it happen naturally? And what do people think about decision making type stuff? Consensus or something else? Reading your posts has made me a little less anxious, so thanks. I like communicating with the whole group instead of just between individuals; it's more communal :)

Oh, and what is everyone's general time commitment for this? Mine is probably through May, but I'm not exactly sure yet.

Also, sorry I'm MIA for all the remodeling work - you guys are so great for doing all this! I have some curtain making skills to lend if that's still needed in September, but I'm thinking you may need privacy before that. When are people moving in, by the way?

1 comment:

Janet said...

Thanks for posting, Kim. Curtains would be great, and we'll definitely need some for the rooms we can't afford blinds for. I will be sad if you back out. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.